Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Surprise award of a Griffith Electorate Australia Day Award for service

22nd March 2011

I was suprised and delighted when I realised that I had been nominated for a community service award in my electorate, Griffith and had been chosen to receive one of the awards.

Due to the Brisbane floods, the actual giving of the awards was postponed to 19 March. It was a great opportunity to give Kevin Rudd a personal letter asking him to get the Northern Territory Intervention changed. I asked him to reinstate the complete Racial Discrimination Act, make income management completely voluntary, and to change the whole thing from top down to a genuine partnership with local communities.

It was a good day and I was very impressed with many fellow recipients. I wanted to add a photo here but can't find how to do it.

We are still working on the police accountability issue which is a major issue in the overimprisonment of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. The two deaths I know most about happened after the people in question had been arrested when other options were available.

The struggle for accountability re Mulrunji's death, the subsequent inquiry and other incidences of unacceptable behaviour continues.


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